Tantangan bagi Keamanan Dunia Penerbangan

09 May 2014

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JAKARTA – The Angkasa Pura Airports in cooperation with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transportation held an aviation seminar on “Modernizing Policyon Global ICAO and Technology-based Safety Flight Program” at the multipurpose-hall of Grha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran, Jakarta, on Thursday (8/5).

“The aviation service has so many challenges, such as the threats from armed passengers in commercial flights, dangerous nuclear chemicals, hijacking and hostages, as well as attacks towards civil aviation and airport environment. In addition, we also need to eliminate new possible challenges, such as cases of passengers carrying explosives, suicidal bombers (shoe bomber), passengers with viruses and bacteria such as anthrax and MERS, explosive packages and cargo shipment containing explosive materials,” said Prof. Dr. Ludwig Weber, senior advisor in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as one of the speakers in this seminar.

According to Weber, it is necessary to take anticipative actions in the future for the aviation industry by applying a Comprehensive Strategy Aviation Security that includes sharing comprehensive information, capacity building of human resources and establishing security aviation standards.

“Facilitating the aviation security is one of the five strategic goals from ICAO in addition to safety, security, efficient capacity and economic and environmental development. Several programs of ICAO which are implemented regularly include audit and evaluation on security level and security elements related to security level and aviation or airport operations in 191 country members of ICAO, security level enhancement, supports and trainings, technical cooperation, as well as information exchange among ICAO members,” Weber explained.
The Operation Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Yushan Sayuti underlined that Angkasa Pura Airports has set a high security standard for the ground operations and the air operations. “To ensure the policies and standard strategy of airport security and operations are implemented, we apply the effective Screening Check Point (SCP) process. In addition, all security systems at our airportsare centralized and controlled by access control system using information technology,” said Yushan. [Citra Mahesa Nusantara/Editor: Arif Haryanto]
