Pesan Dahlan Iskan di Peluncuran BUMN Insight

14 Oct 2014

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JAKARTA: A man looks dapper dressed in white style of Dutch ‘Meneer’ (name  for a Dutch officer with high status year 1900’s)), a mother next to her look with the look-‘nonik - nonik’ (name for a lady with fine gawn year 1900’s) complete with hat. They both stood at the door of a red building with oriental nuances. The Dutch Meneer apparently is Wahyu Suparyono; President Director of Indonesian Trade Company (Persero) is awaiting the arrival of the SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan.After a while, the awaited arrival. Wearing in uniform of ship captain complete with hat and badge, Dahlan immediately greeted the invited guests were also wearing vintage costumes according dress code event. Dahlan arrived on the scene to inaugurate the launch of SOE Insight magazine. "I think I own that look different, it turns out there are more strange appearance than me," said Dahlan. 

Located in the Toko Merah, the Kota Tua area, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/10) SOE Insight magazine officially launched.Raise the tagline Dynamics -Performance- Contributions, SOE Insight comes with passion as economics and business media that presents the dynamics of up to achievement of state enterprises, policies and programs media socialization of Ministry of Enterprise, as well as the inspiration of dedication for a better Indonesia. "The performance of state – own enterprises during the last three years is really worrying, worrying for private parties. Due to many state-owned enterprises have good performance that can be a serious competitor to the private sector," said Hadi Mustofa Djuraid, Chief Editor of the Insight SOEs. 

In line with Hadi, Dahlan called the three (3) strategic functions of SOE forward. "The first, SOEs as national security instrument. Secondly, the state as the engine of growth. Private certainly do not want to go into business projects that can not provide return. If the project is very important and have an impact on the movement of the economy, the state should do. Such as ports, airports, toll roads, and the upstream of solar industry. The last Role is a state-owned companies should be able to foster national pride," said Dahlan. 

In a series of ceremonial launching SOE Insight Magazine, also held a photo exhibition of SOE monumental achievements in 2011-2014 period with theme Out of The Box of SOE, from the date of October 14 to 19, 2014 in the Toko Merah, the Kota Tua area, Jakarta. The exhibition is open to the public, Angkasa Pura Airports take part by sending photographs representing megaproject I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sepinggan-Balikpapan, and T2 Surabaya Juanda as a landmark achievement. [Yuristo Ardhi Hanggoro]
