Angkasa Pura Airports Salurkan Dana Pinjaman Kemitraan

15 Oct 2014

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SOLO - Angkasa Pura Airports Management of Adi Soemarmo Airport represented by Maryanto as he Head of CSR Angkasa Pura Airports symbolically handed over the check to Mr Muh Sidiq of UD. Kurnia Jati Klaten, then Mr. Abdullah Usman as the GM of Adi Soemarmo airport symbolically handed over the check to Mrs. Wiwik of A Dua grocery Store Sukoharjo in the administration building Angkasa Pura Airports in partnership ceremony loans CSR program on Friday October 10, 2014. 

In his speech, Mr. Mariyanto said that the granting of partnership loans to small businesses will be able to help improve the business concerned to be independent and be a mentor for other small businesses. It was also announced that this 2014 Angkasa Pura Airports Airport Adi Soemarmo already disbursed loans amounting to 1.2 billion IDR for 32 partners  consisting looking for industry, trade and services in Solo Raya. [Pardika DRS / Source: Solo Post] 
