Peringatan Isra' Mi'raj: Menerapkan Kesholehan Sosial dalam Lingkungan Kerja

18 Jun 2014

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Jakarta - Celebrating Isra’ Mi’raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, and welcoming the holy month of Ramadan 1435 H, Angkasa Pura Airports held an Islamic dialog led by KH. Ali Mustofa Yakub, Imam Besar (great priest) of Istiqlal Grand Mosque (18/06). The event which took place in Grha Angkasa Pura I Auditorium was opened by marawis music band. 

 "The essence of Isra’ Mi’raj is transformation," said Human Capital and General Affair Director Angkasa Pura Airports, Daan Achmad in his welcoming speech. "Since a long time ago, we have known transformation in Islam. A transformation is done toward a better life. That is also the transformation which we are doing in creating a better Angkasa Pura Airports," he added.

The event is then continued with a lecture on "Social Pious in the Perspective of Living in PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero)" by KH. Ali Mustofa Yakub. "As a social being, we have to prioritize social ibadah (blessed deed in Islam)," said KH. Ali Mustofa Yakub. He explained that nowadays, Muslims lead ibadah that are only affecting themselves rather than other people. "For example, taking Hajj pilgrimage a couple of times while there are many of our people who are starving," he said. He also said that Muslims had to change their ibadah’s orientation into ‘social ibadah’, such as zakat alms and wakaf (endowment) to improve the society’s prosperity. 
After a question-and-answer session, the event then closed with a prayer and lunch with all employees of Angkasa Pura Airports office. It is hoped that this event can improve the employees bond and their ukhrawi (heavenly) knowledge. [Diani Sekaring Sejati]
