Bandara di Atas Air Pertama di Indonesia Resmi Mulai Dibangun

17 Jun 2014

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SEMARANG - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) officially starts to construct Ahmad Yani International Airport by conducting groundbreaking process at 17/6. Before groundbreaking process, President Director of Angkasa Pura I Tommy Soetomo and Pangdam IV Diponegoro Mayjen TNI Sunindyo signed the Utilizations Cooperation, which is witnessed by Transportation Ministry E.E. Mangindaan, Ministry of Defense Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Head staff of TNI AD General TNI Budiman and Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo.

"Within the momentum of 50 years Angkasa Pura, we have done the groundbreaking to develop Ahmad Yani International Airport. The development of this airport is aimed to increase services to the passengers. In 2013, the traffic accumulation of Ahmad Yani Airport reached 3.2 million people. Currently, the size of Ahmad Yani terminal is only 6,700 m2. After being renovated, the size of this terminal will be 58,652 m2 and able to accommodate 6 to 7 million people per year" Said Tommy Soetomo.

"By developing the airport, the problems of lack of capacity can be solved. Besides, it will also trigger economic growth, business activities and tourism in Northern Central Java and around." He added. During the execution, Ahmad Yani Airport is built on the land of TNI AD, which is cooperated with Angkasa Pura Airports.

The building of Ahmad Yani International Airport comes up with a unique concept, which is floating airport. It will be also eco-airport, which is friendly to environment. "Angkasa Pura Airports will register the airport to Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI)." Said Tommy.

Besides the increasing capacity, more facilities are to be available, including 30 check-in counters, 3 aviobridge units, 4 Visa on Arrival (VoA) counters, 5 elevators, 1 travelator, also 7 unit escalators. More than that, it will be equipped with 43,634 m2 parking area and baggage make up which employs Baggage Handling System (BHS), which previously still used manual tools.

The development of Ahmad Yani Airport is the continuity of sequence development of Airports managed by Angkasa Pura, after previously succeeded to develop I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, Terminal 2 (T2) Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, as well as Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan. (Corporate Communication/ Translator : Yeni Mujiatin)
