Per Juni, Angkasa Pura Airports Uji Coba Stop Boarding Call

22 May 2014

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The Angkasa Pura Airports will apply a new policy to discontinue boarding calls starting the beginning of June. “Yes, that’s right, we will implement this regulation per 1 June. However, we will not immediately stop the call for boarding , but we will apply it gradually in Terminal 1 and 2 of Juanda Surabaya International Airport,” explained the Corporate Communications Dept. Head of Angkasa Pura Airports, Handy Heryudhitiawan , as interviewed by Media Indonesia, yesterday.

According to him, the calls for boarding shall no longer be provided at the airports to reduce the noise pollution. Furthermore, he said, this is also to educate passengers to refer to the Flight Information Display System (FIDS) as well as to provide convenience for passengers at the airport. “We will implement this in Surabaya for a while, and shall evaluate the results. We might apply this in other Angkasa Pura Airports,” Handy added.

Currently, he said, the Angkasa Pura Airports is announcing this regulation through mass media to inform the public and also through airlines and the ground crew. “The airlines and ground crew are enthusiastic in supporting this program, however, the boarding call will still be provided in the boarding area. In principle, we hope to improve the convenience for the passengers,” he added. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Media Indonesia]
