Pemudik Terus Padati Bandara Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta

22 Jul 2014

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Yogyakarta - Mudik (hometown travel) travelers who are using air transportation began to fill Adisutjipto International Airport in Yogyakarta since D-7 Lebaran. Since D-7 Lebaran, the number of passengers arriving at Adi Sutjipto Airport has increased 8 percent compared to regular days from 7,500 people to 8,130 people. "Since D-7, the passengers who arrived slightly increased at around 8 percent. Normally the arriving passengers both for domestic and international flights reach 7,500 people. Now it has reached 8,130 people with 7,547 domestic passengers and 583 international passengers," said General Affair and Communication Section Head of Angkasa Pura Airports Adi Sutjipto Airport Branch, Faizal Indra Kusuma to KR, Tuesday (22/07).

Faizal also explained that the number of passengers on departure terminal is considered normal. From the usual number of 7,500 passengers, it slightly increased to 7,522 people with 7,192 domestic passengers and 325 international passengers. The number of passengers who fly through Adi Sutjipto Airport on D-6 is predicted to be similar because the peak of mudik is expected to happen on D-3 and D-2. 

"The peak of mudik is predicted to happen on this Friday and Saturday, the number of passengers could rise above 15% with the extra flights of several airlines operating in Adi Sutjipto Airport," he said. In addition, to anticipate flight traffic with the extra flights being operated soon, the airport will maximize the slot time considering the fact that this is a military airport. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Kedaulatan Rakyat]
