Mitra Binaan Angkasa Pura Airports Unjuk Gigi di Inacraft 2014

29 Apr 2014

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JAKARTA - As one of BUMN (State Owned Enterprises) that manages airports in Indonesia, Angkasa Pura Airports had joined and took a part in The 16th Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair (INACRAFT) 2014 that was held  23 to 27 April 2014 in Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta Indonesia. This activity is a form of assisstances in parthership basis, by involving the assisted partners to the international exhibition with the market share of local or international.

“By joining this exhibition, it is expected to expand the market shares, added consumer and introduce the superior products from small entrepreneurs that had become the assissted partners of Angkasa Pura Airports. Besides, the assissted partners can also utilize the opportunity to increase creativity and quality of their products then finally they can be an independent and strong entrepreneur,” said by Mardianto the Head of Corporate  Social Responsibility Angkasa Pura Airports.

This INACRAFT 2014 was officially opened by the President of Republic of Indonesia in 23 April 2014 and followed by about 1.600 companies/ SME accross Indonesia, under the partnership of  BUMN. The hadicraft products that were displayed in this exhibition were made-in Indonesia handicrafts such as gift, housewares and fashion products, jewellery.

In this INACRAFT 2014, Angkasa Pura Airports involved 10 (ten) assissted partners from 10 branch offices of airportas, they were I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali with Silverwork, Juanda International Airport Surabaya with woodcraft, Sepinggan International Airport Balikpapan with jewellery, Sam Ratulangi International Airport with Blackwood Craft and souvenirs, Adisujtipto International Airport Yogyakarta with Batik Tulis (handmade Batik), Adi Soemarmo International Airport Solo with Batik Craft, Syamsudin Noor International Airport Banjarmasin with Sasirangan Batik Craft, Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang with Painting Craft, and last was Lombok Praya International Airport with Dried Fruit Craft.

In 2013 ago, Angkasa Pura Airports had support a fund of Rp17.3763696.792, for the partnership program with the internal company fund detail was  Rp16.422.500.000 and  Rp 954.196.792 for grant for the period of 2014 in the first quarter until March, Angkasa Pura Airports had finance of Rp for partnership program. [Citra Mahesa Nusantara]
