Lari Bernuansa Horor di Manado jadi Penutup Rangkaian Airport Running Series

19 Mar 2016

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Manado - The Event Airport Running Series 2015-2016: SensationalRunning! held by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) enters the final series today, Saturday (19/03/2016). This time, the turn for Sam Ratulangi Airport in Manado act as an arena for the first race at the first airport in the area of Indonesia.

At the starting line, the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey, who was accompanied by the President Director of Angkasa Pura I Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito and Commissioner Angkasa Pura I Andrinof Chaniago released the participants. Also present were Assistant of the Minister of SOEs Riza Primadi and member of Commission V of the House of Representatives Yasti Soepredjo Mokoagow.

"We greatly appreciate the steps Angkasa Pura I, which has initiated a competition arena run in the area of the airport. We are proud and optimistic future Manado will be able to host events like this back. Hopefully, the cooperation between the Government of North Sulawesi province and Angkasa Pura I can continue are good," said the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey.

"This event has previously been successfully deployed in three airports, namely Adi Soemarmo Solo on December 20, 2015, Mataram Selaparang Airport Lombok on January 24, 2016, and El Tari Kupang Airport on February 13, 2016. The show that we made in the four cities is intended to promote and increase the potential of tourism in eastern Indonesia. in addition, this event is also to increase the interest of young people in sport to run," said President Director of Angkasa Pura I Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito.

In addition, continued Wimbo, through this event is expected to bring the seeds of a talented young runner from eastern Indonesia. "Also, to provide entertainment for the community and efforts to increase the love of the younger generation of sports run, as well as sports activities for the community and is a continuation anniversary celebrations 52 Angkasa Pura I dated February 20 ago," he added.

There is something different in the mat peaks Airport Running this last series, with the concept of "Ghost Attack", the runners who compete not only compete to be the fastest, but at the same time made to feel the atmosphere of horror chased by a bunch of ghosts played by volunteers and employees of Angkasa Pura I Manado, so the only way to save themselves is mecapai finish as fast as mngkin by running toward the Sam Ratulangi Airport. In the event the race at the first airport in the Indonesian area, nearly 1,000 participants race really feel the sensation of "Ghost Attack".

"In addition to the uniqueness raced in an atmosphere of horror, this event also presents other sensations, specific to the category running 5 kilometers in the form of six hurdles specifically. Challengof Wire Climb, Wall Climb, Maze House, Fog House, Pool, and Slider, an obstacle that must be runners passed before reaching the finish line," said Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura I Farid Indra Nugraha.

As a result, the 10 kilometer men's category first winner by Agus Prayogo from West Java, followed Nurshodiq (Yogyakarta) and Jauhari Johan (South Sumatra). While in the 10 kilometer women's category, the champion was Yulianingsih (Central Java), followed by Olivia Sadi (East Nusa Tenggara) and Rini Budiarti (DKI Jakarta).

In the men's category 5 kilometers, emerged as the fastest is Ridwan from West Nusa Tenggara, followed by Gabriel Meifel Pangemanan and Jendri. At 5 kilometers daughter, emerged as the fastest is Afriana Paijo of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Odekta Vina (DKI Jakarta) and runner host, Gemmy (Manado).

For the category of 2.5 kilometers, the winner of the most unique costume (unique dress) is Elsama, who ran the typical traditional costume Papua and Ardih wearing a pirate costume.

"People who did not join a race to follow exercise zumba and aerobics together. We present an entertainment featuring local artists, a variety of exciting games, door prizes, as well as the bazaar is also enlivened the event. We would like the title of this cover can truly become entertainment for the city of Manado," said Farid.
