Kunjungan Pemprov Sulsel Bahas Pengembangan Bandara Sultan Hasanuddin

24 Feb 2014

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JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) welcomes the visit of Provincial Government of Sulawesi Selatan and the Regency Government of Maros in the Headoffice of Angkasa Pura Airports, Jakarta, on Monday (24/2).

This visit discusses the development of Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, Makassar. From Angkasa Pura Airport, there are Temporary Caretaker (PTS) of President Director Daan Ahmad, who is accompanied by General Manager of Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar Rahman Syafrie and the Head of Corporate Planning and Performance Yudhaprana Sugarda. While from the Sulawesi Selatan Government are among others Masyjur A.S (The Head of Transportation Sub-Department of Sulawesi Selatan), Achmad Kadir (The National Land Agency/BPN of Sulawesi Selatan), Hermanti (BPN of Maros), including Sub-district head of Mandai, Village Head and Head of Technical Management Unit (UPTD) of Mamminasata.

The first phase of development of Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport requires an 60 hectares of additional lands. In its development concept, a 3.000 meters of runway and 100.000 m2 terminal two shall be contructed in the third phase of 2025, which will accomodate 30 millions passangers per year. In 2025, estimatedly, the Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport will reach 28,16 million passangers.  

"An integration between local government and Angkasa Pura Airports will position airport as the backbone of economic support in Makassar and Sulawesi Selatan. By an airport city’s concept, the stable connectivity and distribution of goods and people shall be required because the passanger improvement of airplane will reach 80,000 people per day", Daan Ahmad said.

In 2013, the total passanger in Sultan Hasanuddin Airport reached 9,63 million or aproximately elevated 14 percent per year. While the freight was up to 15% per year. Todays, Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport serves 22 domestic and 2 international routes where Lion Air’s passanger market share to 41,4 percent and 20,6 percent of Garuda Indonesia. [Handy Heryudhitiawan]
