Keluarga Penumpang AirAsia Apresiasi Fasilitas yang Disediakan di Bandara Juanda

30 Dec 2014

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Surabaya - The Angkasa Pura Airports provide facilities services to the families of passengers during a search operation in progress QZ8501 plane . Family passengers appreciate the facilities services provided at Juanda Airport , Surabaya . Facilities provided by Angkasa Pura Airports Juanda such as live streaming of searching progress information , 8 television and dugout . Lucas , one of the AirAsia family was deeply grateful to Angkasa Pura Airports .

"We are of the families of passengers very supportive and thank you for working hard and quickly meet our needs ," he said after seeing the dugout passengers , Tuesday ( 12/30/2014 ) . General Manager Angkasa Pura Airports branch Juanda , Trikora Hardjo claims will try its utmost to meet the needs of passengers who needed family .

"should I put television in the dugout ,"  asked Trikora to Lucas at the time saw the dugout . Detikcom monitoring , in the dugout of family passenger provided beds , blankets and pillows . Between women and men separated space . Each bed is provided 6 bed . [ PDRS / Source : Detiknews ]
