42 Pompa Antisipasi Genangan Di Bandara

30 Dec 2014

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Semarang - The rain that had started to frequent falls, a few days later , often causing inundation in the area of Ahmad Yani International Airport . If it happens , the pumps in the airport area have to work hard to overcome . if not , the puddle potentially disrupt flights at the airport .

"Ahmad Yani International Airport is located below sea level . It has large enough potential to cause waterlogging , especially in the location of the runway ," said Airport Equipment Section Head PT.Angkasa Pura Ahmad Yani International Airport , Ahmad , Tuesday ( 9/12 ) .

However , he said , for now the existence of a puddle at the airport do not need to worry about. "There are seven pump houses in the airport which is still functioning well and its position was spread around the area of the runway to prevent the presence of water in the runway area ," said Ahmad .

He explained that the function of the pump house as a medium to control the volume of water in the area of the runway . If there is excessive inundation , the pump machine will suck up water discharged into the river which are located around the airport .

Ahmad said the end of the rainy season - this end , it side is more intense monitoring and conducting checks on the physical condition of machine pumps . Five water technicians stationed alternately every morning at 05.00 , before the flight activity takes place .

Today, at the Ahmad Yani International Airport has 42 stations , consisting of 38 pumps with a capacity of 15K and four mobile station with a capacity of 80K . Ahmad plans add six pumps again for optimalzing a suction puddle on the runway .

"Average if the intensity of rainfall reached 150 millimeters , the aircraft was not allowed to conduct flight activities . Pump that we have today can cope with the intensity of up to 300 millimeters of rain in a matter of minutes , about one to two minutes ," he said . [ MW / TribunJateng ]
