Angkasa Pura Airports Tambah Tenaga Psikolog untuk Dampingi Keluarga AirAsia

30 Dec 2014

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SIDOARJO - Various means to support and give families peace of AirAsia QZ 8501 in post Crisis Center Terminal 2 Juanda Airport , Surabaya , East Java , continued. One of them by adding psychologists to provide assistance to the families of passengers on Tuesday ( 30/12/2014 ) .

The addition of these psychologists assisted by East Java Police with the transmit psychologist manpower of the RS Bhayangkara for 24- hour standby at the post Crisis Center AirAsia . In addition , starting this morning provided rest facilities (dugout) for families passengers . The room is equipped with a means of folding beds , air conditioning , a means of snacks , and drinks are all provided free of charge to the families of passengers .

Manager of Public Relations and Protocol Angkasa Pura Airports Juanda International Airport , Didik Prasetyo , say , the improvement of the dugout and psychologists conducted until the time limit has not been determined . [ PDRS / Source : Legal / photo : liputan6.com ]
