Kebal Api Hingga Antigendam Diklat Dasar Petugas Pengaman Bandara

10 Oct 2015

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SIDOARJO - Inaugural employee aviation security (AVSEC) on Saturday night (10/10) lasted thrilling. Concluding the activities of the AVSEC Training Basic tinged by attractions of immune to fire. Each participant is expected to pass through the embers were placed on the ground next to the multipurpose building complex Angkasa Pura Office Building Juanda. It should be able to go through fire barefoot.
The attraction is part of hypnotherapy or therapeutic suggestion. A total of 151 airport security officers equipped with the therapy that the mental is getting stronger. Especially against passengers carrying prohibited items and dangerous. Preparedness is the duty of the current AVSEC serve and supervises the thousands to tens of thousands of passengers in and out of the terminal.
"We gave the material mind power (the power of the mind) so that the AVSEC is not be missed," said Human Capital and General Affairs Angkasa Pura I, Saptandri Widiyanto. During this time, the smuggling of illicit goods often uses various modes. Began carrying goods in the aircraft cabin to be packed in a special suitcase to enter the trunk. Mental strengthening is also able to ward off the possibility of passengers who take action of black magic.
AVSEC personnel who follows the basic training come from three forces, namely IX, X, and XI. "They are the backbone of the 13 airports in eastern Indonesia managed Angkasa Pura I," continued Saptandri. Thirteen airports, among others, service I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Juanda Airport in Surabaya, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, Lombok PrayaAirport, Adi Soemarmo Solo, Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta, Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang,SAMS Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan, Syamsudin Noor Airport in Banjarmasin , Sam Ratulangi Airport in Manado, Ambon Pattimura Airport,Kupang El Tari Airport, and BiakFransKaisiepo Airport.
Basic education and training underway since last mid-September. Various materials indoor and outdoor practice field for bagging given to AVSEC aviation security license security. They also undergo a basic training discipline and defend the country in the Basic Education Training Center and Military Juanda. [PD / Source: Jawa Pos]
