Kasasi Dikabulkan, Pembangunan Bandara Baru Yogyakarta Dilanjutkan

30 Sep 2015

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YOGYAKARTA - Construction of a new airport in Yogyakarta that was stopped eventually be resumed following the granting of the appeal Governor of Yogyakarta by the Supreme Court (MA). Although a copy of the verdict has not been issued, but the official website of the Supreme Court has included the decision. Public officials PTUN Yogyakarta Umar Dani explained injunction granted listed in the release on the website explaining the applicant's request for an appeal is granted. "The verdict appeal with register number 456 K / TUN / 2015 that came out on Wednesday (23/9) last week. Its contents, the Supreme Court granted the appeal against the decision of the administrative court Yogyakarta Governor of Yogyakarta," he explained.
Yogyakarta Adi Sutjipto International Airport is long enough to be in a saturated condition, both on the ground and in the air. With its position as the airport's third most populous in the Java and terminal capacity that was no longer possible to be developed, the airport has met all the requirements for moving immediately. Air traffic movements data mentioned that the capacity of the airport is designed only for 1.2 million passengers per year should accommodate 2 times that amount, or about 2.4 million passengers in 2003. Since then, the movement of passengers Adi Sutjipto Airport continues to grow on average 11%, but haven’t change the existing capacity yet.
The long road plan to build a new airport in Yogyakarta has gone through various feasibility studies to determine the location, the process of socialization to the residents, the period of delivery objection to the development plan, until the issuance of Permit Location Determination (IPL) with the issuance of the Decree (SK) Governor No. 68 / KEP / 2015 about IPL service Temon, Kulonprogo on March 31, 2015. However, the process had been halted since June 2015 following the decision of the judges of the State Administrative Tribunal (Administrative Court) Jogja revoke the construction IPL. The revocation of a response to the lawsuit Forum for Trinity (WTT), which rejected the construction of the airport. Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan HB X, then filed a cassation to the Supreme Court.
Head of Legal Bureau Regional Secretariat DIY Dewo Isnu Broto Imam Santoso explained that the appeal was filed because the publishing process IPL service is in conformity with the procedures and rules of law, namely Law (UU) No.2 / 2012 on Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest . "Case concerning the interests of the public only through two levels of court, the court of first instance and if no appeal can directly appeal to the Supreme Court," added Dani.
Meanwhile a number of interested parties are still waiting for a copy of the Supreme Court decision granting the appeal of DIY Governor. "Usually MA will send to the court of first instance and by the Administrative Court submitted to the applicant and the defendant," said Dewo. In a similar vein, Project Leader International Airport Kulonprogro Sujiastono said has not received a copy of the decision. "So we still await certainty," he said. [YAH / Various Sources]
