Angkasa Pura Airports Gelar Diklat Manajerial Tingkat Madya Angkatan VII Tahun 2015

01 Oct 2015

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JAKARTA -  Angkasa Pura Airports organizes Managerial Training Associate LevelForce VII Year 2015. The opening of the activities that will last until next October 28, 2015 was carried out by the Finance and IT Director of Angkasa Pura Airports GunawanAgusSubrata, located in Center for ExcellenceBuilding, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Thursday (01/10).

"Activities Managerial Training Associate Levelthis time followed by 22 employees of Angkasa Pura Airports with comparable position of department head. It is expected that the training participants have the leadership skills of practical in accordance with the conditions encountered, effective problem solving efficiently in leadership, knowledge of financial management, business entrepreneurship, and a positive contribution to company performance, " said Gunawan.

This training is a routine activity held by the Training Development Group Angkasa Pura Airports. Training methods given in lectures, discussions, simulations, outbound, table manners, and paper presentations. The training which took Kwik Kian Gie School of Business has a weight of 200 hours of lessons, with materials among others To be a Great Leader, Best Practices in Leadership, Best Practice in Financial Management, Best Practices in Technical Management, New Airport Paradigm, Principles of Airport Management, Human Capital Management System, Personality Building, Leadership in Business Practice, Values and Corporate Culture, Work Ethics, Business and Economics Perspective Industrial Airport Affairs, Intrapreneurship, Business Acumen, and Service Marketing.

"For the participants, congratulations to follow this training. Absorb all science and knowledge as many of the teachers. I hope after attending this training you will be able to answer all the problems, changes, and challenges that exist in the company, always adaptive and can transmit and apply the knowledge that has been gained at each task," said Gunawan. [CMN / edited: AH]
