Improving Service, PJP2U Rates Adjusted By Angkasa Pura Airports In Surabaya Juanda Airport And Adi Soemarmo Solo

20 Oct 2016

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Jakarta (20/10) - To improve service to users of airport services, Angkasa Pura Airports has obtained approval from the Ministry of Transportation regarding a proposed adjustment of Aircraft Passenger Services Rate (PJP2U) or passenger service Charge (PSC) for flights within the country and abroad at the two airports under its management, namely Juanda International Airport Surabaya and Solo Adi Soemarmo.

PJP2U tariff for domestic flights at Juanda International Airport Surabaya is 75.000,-IDR adjusted to 90,000,-IDR and foreign airlines that previously 200,000, -IDR to 210,000,-IDR. While, PJP2U tariff for domestic flights at the Adi Soemarmo International AirportSolo,was previously 30.000, - IDR adjusted to 50,000, - IDR; and foreign airlines that previously 100,000 –IDR to 125,000, - IDR.

The tariff is inclusive of 10%tax. Tariff for PJP2U at Juanda International Airport and Adi Soemarmo International Airportis effective as from 1 November 2016. The tariff PJP2U has been included in the passenger ticket or called by the PSC on Ticket.

"PJP2U Tariff adjustment is one Angkasa Pura Airports’effortsto improve the servicequality to passengers and users of airport services that give priority to security, safety, and comfort, especially in Surabaya Juanda International Airport and Adi Soemarmo Solo," said Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura I Israwadi.

One form of improved services performed at this year's Adi Soemarmo International Airport which opening Soemarmo Adi Solo-Jeddah route Umra directly, in addition to still be embarkation Hajj as in previous years. Recorded about 26 thousand pilgrims departed from embarkation Solo this year. Adi Soemarmo Airport currently has a runway of 2,600 meters with a width of 45 meters, so as to wide-body aircraft.

While Juanda Airport today will increase capacity by building a new terminal (Terminal 3 Juanda) and two runways, which will be conducted at the end of 2016 with an investment of around 9 trillion IDR. In addition, to improve service and convenience to airport users, are now underway replenishment and repair facilities in the terminal, such as adding a seat incorporates a power source, nursery garden, reading corner, facility improvement mosque at some point, organizing art show twice in a month, as well as widening the corridor.

Tariff Adjustment Based on Applicable Law Procedures

Tariff is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 2009 on Aviation Article 243 which reads "Every services of airport and related services to the airport tariffs in accordance with the services provided" and article 246, which reads "The provisions regarding the system ways and procedures of airport services tariffs regulated by the Regulation of the Minister."

Moreover, tariff setting is also based on the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number: PM 56 Year 2015 on the activities of Concessions at the airport, as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Transportation number: PM 187 2015 and PM 129 2015 Guideline of the Service Level Agreement (Service Level Agreement) in Providing Services to Service User airport.

Angkasa Pura Airports has expressed a desire for this PJP2U rate adjustment to the Ministry of Transportation since December 28, 2015 and approved by the Ministry of Transportation on October 4, 2016. In addition, Angkasa Pura Airports also have to coordinate with the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) as representative consumer organizations in Indonesia and the Ministry of Transportation as regulator. YLKI parties understand the steps of Angkasa Pura Airports in PJP2U tariff adjustment are in order to improve services at the airport in question. Related to this PJP2U tariff adjustment, Angkasa Pura Airports also will put a notice and provide information and dissemination so that it is known by the public. [AD / AH]
