Angkasa Pura Airports Publish Bonds I And Shariah Securities Ijarah I Year 2016 With Value At 3 Trillion IDR

17 Oct 2016

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Jakarta (17/10) - Today, Angkasa Pura Airports, SOE of The airport which manages 13 airports in the central and eastern Indonesia, announced the issuance of bonds through public offering scheme "Bonds I Angkasa Pura Airports and Sukuk (Shariah Securities)Ijarah I Angkasa Pura Airports Year 2016" with a total value offered to the public at 3 trillion IDR.

For Bonds I Angkasa Pura Airports 2016 targeted to raise funds by as much as 2.5 trillion IDR. In addition, the company also made a Public Offering Shariah Securities Ijarah I Angkasa Pura Airports 2016 with a principal amount by as much as 500 billion. Bonds and Shariah Securities Ijarah issued in three series in which the Series A term of 5 (five) years with an indication of the bond coupon rate of 7.45% - 8.20% per year and Indications Level Sharing Shariah SecuritiesIjarah  which is equivalent to 7.45% - 8.20% per year, Series B tenor of 7 (seven) years, with an indication of bond coupon rate 7.95% - 8.70% per year and indications level Sharing Shariah Securities Ijarah which is equivalent to 7.95% - 8, 70% per year, and Series C term of 10 (ten) years with indicative coupon rate bonds 8.10% - 8.85% per year and indications level Sharing Shariah Securities Ijarah which is equivalent to 8.10% - 8.85% per year. Coupon Bonds payable every 3 months according to the payment date each bond coupon.

Bonds and Shariah Securities Ijarah is gaining rank idAAA and idAAAsy (Triple A; Stable Outlook) from PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO). As for acting as Underwriter are PT. Bahana Securities, PT. BCA Sekuritas, PT. Danareksa Sekuritas and PT. Mandiri Sekuritas.

Funds obtained from the Public Offering of Bonds and Shariah Securities Ijarah after deducting issuance costs, about 75% will be used for the development of five services namely, New Airport Yogyakarta, Ahmad Yani Airport, Syamsudin Noor Airport, Juanda Airport, and Sultan Hasanuddin Airport. The remaining 25% will be used for routine investments.

Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito said, "The good of experience, track record, in the operational management of airports and company profile of airport services, making Angkasa Pura Airports Bond and Shariah Securities Ijarah in good rank. We are optimistic that this will be a successful Public Offer ".

According Wimbo, strong support from the Government of the Angkasa Pura Airports can be seen from the government that maintains 100% ownership in the Company and capital injections are given in the form of investments in assets in the last 5 years. "This is done by the Government because this company is a strategic state and a key player in the airport infrastructure that provides connectivity between the islands in the central and eastern Indonesia," added Wimbo at the public expose, Monday (17/10) at the Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place.

Director of Finance and Information Technology Angkasa Pura Airports Novrihandri added, "Currently, the Company is reducing dependence on revenues from aeronautics to optimize revenue non-aeronautical, such as revenue from concessions, leasing and warehousing, as well as through subsidiaries that support the management of airports and assets owned by the Company. In June 2016 the composition of aeronautical revenue to total revenue decreased to 58.88% from the previous in 2011 amounted to 76.67%, while the composition of non-aeronautical revenues increased to 41.12% from the previous in 2011 amounted to 23.33%. "

Novrihandri continued, "Angkasa Pura Airports have a healthy financial ratios are the current ratio at June 2016 amounted to 1,23x. ROA and ROE Angkasa Pura Airports remained stable over 5,0x awake. On the other hand, Debt to Equity Ratio increased due Angkasa Pura Airports obtaining funding from third parties since 2013. But the Debt to Equity Ratio is still relatively good. "
