Bandara Hasanuddin Beri Fasilitas Pada Sopir Taksi Bandara

24 Apr 2014

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MAROS – The Federation of Cross Campus Activists in South Sulawesi (Gabungan Aktifis Lintas Kampus Sulsel) and the Association of Airport Taxi Drivers (Asosiasi Pengemudi Taxi Bandara) are now relieved as their request for better facilities at the airport has been responded positively by the General Manager of Angkasa Pura Airports branch of Hasanuddin Airport, Rachman Syafrie.  In the meeting room of Hasanuddin Air Force Airport in Mandai, Maros, on Thursday (24/4/2014), Rachman acknowledged that after the destructive incident towards six airport taxi units some time ago, the airport authority shall enhance the security and control system at the Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Maros Regency.

“That incident happened in a public area where everyone can come in and some friction could likely occur. This is an input for us,” he explained. The taxi pooling system at the airport will be improved to be implemented by the Angkasa Pura imminently to ensure a safe and orderly environment in the airport departure area.

The Angkasa Pura Airport shall also make available facilities for the convenience of the taxi drivers, by providing affordable canteens, a praying room, suitable waiting lounges  so that taxi drivers can wait for passengers comfortably. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Tribun News]
