Bandara Ngurah Rai Tingkatkan Pengamanan Pasca Insiden Virgin Australia

27 Apr 2014

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DENPASAR – The Angkasa Pura Airports of the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Branch in Bali plans to strengthen the capacity of the personnel in the scrutinizing passengers, after the Virgin Australia incident. "We shall intensify our alertness based on the standard security measures," said the Co-General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai I International Airport, Gusti Ngurah Ardita, on Sunday.

According to Ardita, in anticipation of similar incidents, if a passenger is identified as under the influence of alcohol, or is in an unstable state in the departure terminal, the passengers shall be prohibited to board the plane. "They will not be allowed to board the plane without the clearance from the airline" he said.

Enhanced alertness was applied following the incident on the Virgin Australia flight in which a passenger, Matt Christoper (28) ran amuck on Friday (25/4). During the flight bound to Denpasar from Brisbane, this tall heavy built man pounded on the cockpit door that induced the pilot to report to the airport control of a probable hijacking in progress.

Matt was suspected of being under the influence of drugs taken before the flight. He was finally taken into custody at the Bali Police Authority.  This man, who is married to a Bandung native of West Java, had to undergo interrogation by the Civil Investigators and by the Airport Security Personnel of the Ministry of Transportation under the Directorate of Special Crimes of the Bali Provincial Police. Previously, the police took urine and blood samples of the suspect for testing.

PPNS also questioned the pilot and co-pilot including the cabin crew of the unfortunate flight. However, the Indonesian authority could only investigate the incident and report the results of the investigation to the Australian authority for further legal process as enacted in the Tokyo Convention of 1963 on flight regulations. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Republika Online]
