Fasilitas Bandara Sam Ratulangi Semakin Baik

07 May 2014

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Manado – Angkasa Pura Airports branch of Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport is seriously improving the facilities for the passengers and the public, which can be seen in the re-arrangement of  buildings. In addition, the tenants are also encouraged to provide the best of their service, especially to the passengers. As we can see in the Garuda Lounge -which is one of high-end tenants serving premium customers- they are required to always maintain excellent services to the gold and platinum passengers of Garuda Indonesia. Providing service to people, surely always has its critics.

However, the management of this lounge is always open to constructive criticism to improve their performance and service.  The Public Relations Staff of Angkasa Pura Airports, Allan Pusung maintains close communication with all the tenants. “If there is any administrative problem, we always try to solve it to minimize any inconvenience for the customers,” he said. [Diani SekaringSejati/Source: Manado Post]
