Ditegur Tak Mempan, Kini Ditilang

12 Aug 2014

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BALIKPAPAN – Black-plate public transportation or illegal taxi is starting to be seen as a problem. Tens of drivers have been raided at Sepinggan Balikpapan International Airport. Most of them drove illegal taxi. With no operating permit, their existence doesn’t contribute to the Local Tax Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah/PAD). 

Chief of Sepinggan Airport Precinct, Police Commissioner Nina Ike said, “On the illegal-taxi raid at Sepinggan Airport during 3-6 August 2014, we have processed 98 drivers, which most of them drove illegal taxi. Based on applicable law, we gave tickets to all of them. We have warned them before, now we have to be strict,” she added.
These drivers of Toyota Avanza, Toyota Innova, Daihatsu Xenia, were raided inside the airport and also on streets within 1 kilometer radius surrounding the airport. Some of them park in groups, while some of them park individually, waiting for passengers. The trick is by a broker who offers illegal taxi at the arrival terminal. The car would come afterward. “There are still a lot of black-plate cars which pick passengers illegally, some of them inside the airport, while some operate outside,” she explained. 

Prior to that, a similar operation was carried out. Other than law reinforcements, warnings have been given. But now, due to ineffectiveness of warnings, the law officers take serious action. “This is done for the passengers’ safety and convenience. When not operating legally, these public transportations could not be taken responsible if anything bad (such as accident) happen,” said the one-jasmine rank police woman. 

The join-task force of Balikpapan Traffic Police Unit, Airport Precinct, Angkasa Pura, Airport Authority, and The Airforce raided the airport from morning until late in the afternoon. This black-plate transportation is against Article 304 jo Article 153 Verse 1 of Traffic Law 22/2009 on Traffic and Transportation.
The article explains that a misuse of permission for public transportation for specific purpose, carrying and dropping off passengers along the route or using the vehicle for other use, the sanction is Rp. 250,000. (Pardika Dewi RS/Source: Kaltim Post. Photo: Kaltimtoday.com)  
