Bandara Sepinggan Terus Lakukan Pembenahan

21 Apr 2014

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BALIKPAPAN – Although in the beginning, many passengers were not accustomed to the new facilities, however, nowadays, the passengers are quite familiar with the new terminal of the Sepinggan International Airport in Balikpapan. The Public Relations Officer of Angkasa Pura Airports of the International Sepinggan Branch in Balikpapan, Awaluddin, said that they will continue to improve the services and facilities to ensure the convenience of the patrons of this airport that has become the pride of the people of the “Oil City”.

"We understand that initially people felt awkward. But eventually people became accustomed to the new terminal. Particularly most of the people using the terminal are those who are frequent travelers flying through Sepinggan Airport," he said to Kaltim Post, on Monday (21/4).

He further explained that the steps to improve the airport began by installing permanent information display monitors at several points to replace sign banners.  In addition, the customer service officers shall keep monitoring passengers that need assistance and provide them with the help they need. "The customer care assistance shall be offered to minimize confusion of the customers" he said.

From Kaltim Post’s observation, most of the passengers now seem to be more familiar with the new terminal that has a capacity of 10 million passengers a year. The passengers are more discipline and are following the instructions. On the first floor, where the shuttle bus services and taxi services are available, only a few private cars are seen in the Arrival Gate.

In terms of the project completion, according to the Project Manager of the Sepinggan International Airport Expansion Project, Taochid Purnomo Hadi, 97 % of the work is completed and it is estimated to be fully operational by June this year, since there are some additional work to be done in the new terminal such as installing chairs and display monitors as well as fulfilling other suggestions for the people.  [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Sumber: Kaltim Pos]
