Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang Bantu Renovasi Rumah Korban Longsor

22 Dec 2014

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SEMARANG - Aid and concern for the victims of the landslides in Banjarnegara keeps rolling. Angkasa Pura Airports Branch Ahmad Yani international airport in Semarang, helps the victims of the landslide in Jemblung Village, district of Banjarnegara, Central Java, Friday (12/12/2014) last evening.

General Manager Ahmad Yani international airport, Priyo Jatmiko, revealed while attending the inauguration of the Hall of RW  05 Kembangarum Village some time ago. Priyo said Ahmad Yani international airport in Semarang and Yogyakarta's Adi Sucipto international airport will team up to provide assistance to the victims of landslides in Banjarnegara district.

The aid plan is embodied in the form of reconstruction or renovation of homes that were hit by avalanches of soil. "We are very concerned of natural disasters landslides which have recently occurred in the city itself. The plan, we will provide assistance in the form of natural disaster home renovation landslides," he said.

"Our teams are currently working to make the process of collecting the data in a number of houses were damaged by the landslide. Hopefully that process soon finished so that our party can discuss funding should be required to carry out the renovation of the victims houses,"  he added.

Priyo said cooperation between the two airports was done considering the disaster site closer to the Adi Sucipto international airport while the Banjarnegara district in Central Java. [DSS/Source: Tribune News]
