Bandara Ahmad Yani Sebagai Bandara Terbersih Kelas B

17 Aug 2014

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Semarang - Ahmad Yani International Airport this year again managed to obtain and maintain, and even improve the performance particularly in the field services for airport service users. By receiving back the award as the cleanest airports from all over the airport class B which is managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). 

"The award is earned three consecutive times from 2011 to make Ahmad Yani Airport acquiring trophies trophy remains as the cleanest airport in the airport environment class B. Delivery of trophies done some time ago in Jakarta," said General Affairs And Communications and Section Head, Anom Fitranggono, Sunday (17/8). Anom, greeting, explaining PT Angkasa Pura I manage 13 airports, 3 airports class A and class B. Although the airport 9 Ahmad Yani Airport is an international airport that is still classy traditional impressed, but this is quite encouraging.

Because, to retain the award for the cleanest airport in the airport environment class B is not an easy thing. In fact, further Anom, nowadays is a moral duty airport manager to always maintain the cleanliness of the article the award has been settled and attached to PT Angkasa Pura I Ahmad Yani Airport. (Pardika Dewi RS / Source: tribunnews.com)
