Bandara Adi Sutjipto Adakan Latihan Penanggulangan Keadaan Darurat

23 May 2014

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Yogyakarta – Five persons were found dead and dozens were injured because of the accident of the MBA 212 Progo Air flying from Jakarta to Yogyakarta at departure time at 09.30 Indonesian Western Time. Progo Air was forced to do an emergency landing at the Adi Sutjipto Airport runway due to the trouble of engine no. 2 on the right.

Before landing, Progo Air swung to the right and slid out of the runway and a loud explosive sound was heard at that time. Shortly thereafter, a giant fire burst from the right engine. The officers spontaneously swarmed the crash area to extinguish the fire and evacuate the victims of  the burnt Progo Air on the south of Runway 27 of Adi Sutjipto Airport, Yogyakarta (22/5). After the evacuation, 5 persons were found dead, 15 persons were injured severely, 25 persons with wounds, 30 persons with minor injuries and 160 persons survived.

However, fortunately, this incident was just part of the Airport Emergency Plan (PKD) of Adi Sutjipto International Airport. The response time was recorded at  2 minutes which complies with the standard time as stipulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

This drill involved 220 personnel from the Indonesian Air Force, Transportation Service of Yogyakarta, Relief Flight Accident and Fire (PKP-PK), Health Port Office, Fire Brigade of Sleman, National Search and Rescue Agency of Yogyakarta, AirNav District of Yogyakarta, several hospitals in Yogyakarta such as Sardjito Hospital, Hardjolukito Hospital, Panti Rini Hospital, Bhayangkara Hospital, Panti Rapih Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, Jogja International Hospital, as well as  personnel from Angkasa Pura I of Adi Sutjipto International Airport.

This PKD drill was the 76th exercise of Dirgantara Raharja by Angkasa Pura I. This activity is aimed to test the effectiveness of PKD in Adi Sutjipto International Airport. Furthermore, it is also aimed to test the command functions, communications and inter- units coordination and related agencies based on the procedure from PKD as well as to enhance and test the skills of the personnel.

“This PKD exercise surely has become our commitment in stabilizing and improving the rescue and aid procedure in emergency situations at an airport,” said Yushan Sayuti, the Operation Director of Angkasa Pura I at the location.

“Not only that, this exercise also can review the reliability of our personnel and strengthen the capacity of the personnel or human resources and enhance the performance of main equipment of PKP PK based on the service standard along with evaluating the coordination functions, communications and inter-units command according to the PKD procedures,” Yushan added. [Pardika Dewi Retno S.]
