Angkasa Pura Airports Jadi Tuan Rumah ACI SEAS 2014 di Bali

16 Oct 2014

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JAKARTA - Angkasa Pura Airports in collaboration with Airports Council International (ACI) Asia Pacific, Small and Emerging held ACI Airports Seminar 2014 on 20 – 22 October 2014. The event was held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Nusa Dua Bali with theme of Navigating Aviation Growth and Challenges in Southeast Asia and discusses topics surrounding the Open Skies Opportunities and Barriers for Growth, Planning for Flexibility and Future Growth, The Key to Sustainable Growth, Commercial Development for Customer Service and Revenues, The Principles and Practical Guidelines for Effective Water Services Development, Aerodrome Certification. This seminar is open to the public and is an opportunity for Indonesia in preparation for entering the ASEAN Single Aviation Market in 2015. 

ACI Small and Emerging Airports seminar will present a number of speakers, including Rafael Echevarne (Director, Economics and Programme Development ACI World), Bambang Susantono (Deputy Minister of Transportation), Djoko Murjatmodjo (Director of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation), Bambang Tjahjono (Airport Director, Ministry of Transportation), Polana B Pramesti (Technical Director of PT. Angkasa Pura I), Tri Sunoko (President Director, PT. Angkasa Pura II), Salahuddin Rafi (Director of Airport Development, PT. Angkasa Pura II), and Karthi Gajendran (President of Airport Development, PT. GVK Service Indonesia). 

Global trends in the world of aviation for Asia Pacific and Middle East region in the past 10 years have shown an increase in airplane passenger traffic significant. Small Airports is a term for a small airport with passenger numbers less than 5 million people per year. Small Airports has its own challenges to grow, especially in financial terms. Small Airports also have to compete with the large airports in the face of the ASEAN Open Skies policy in 2015. 

"Indonesia is growing very fast, requires a strong foundation of international standard infrastructure, including world-class modern airport, to keep pace with the demands of time, Indonesia needs to improve facilities in the area of services, the level of service, research and research that can be explored in ACISEAS 2014 this time ", said Tommy Soetomo, President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports. 

Many airports in the category of Small Airports with positions far behind the world-class airport with a business structure that is not healthy, improvements must be made not only a thorough optimization, but also requires the transformation as a whole. ASEAN Open Skies that will be implemented in 2015 and the Global Open Skies policy to be implemented in 2025 will directly affect the airport, particularly in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East, which is supported also by the economy in the Asia Pacific and the Middle East showed positive growth. [Citra Mahesa Nusantara]
