Angkasa Pura Airports Tutup Tahun 2014 dengan Pencapaian Memuaskan

13 May 2015

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JAKARTA - SOE Ministry held a General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) Angkasa Pura Airports accountability of the financial year 2014 at the Ministry of Enterprise, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/5). The entire Board of Directors and Commissioners of Angkasa Pura Airports presented in the meeting chaired by the Deputy for Energy, Logistics, and Transportation, the Ministry of SOEs as the proxy of shareholders.

RUPS 2014 fiscal year for Angkasa Pura Airports have a very special meaning. Aside from being accountable fiscal year 2014, the AGM this time also describes the achievement of the performance as a liability during the period of office of directors under the leadership of President Director Tommy Soetomo."Therefore, the AGM this time also as a liability on the implementation of the transformation program of the company as a management contract that we signed on 23 July 2010 ago," Tommy explained.

According to Tommy, in 2014 to be the year of Angkasa Pura Airports promise fulfillment to shareholders, in which the realization of the results of the transformation began to materialize. "Three major airports of Angkasa Pura Airports, namely Juanda Surabaya International Airport, International Airport Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan, and the international airport Ngurah Rai Bali has been developed in the last 2014 years. The third revamping the production equipment has provided tangible results, namely the existence of a very significant increase in revenues - especially non-aeronautical revenues - which increased 337% during the period 2010 to 2014, or an average of 84% growth per year," plus Tommy.

Since 2010, the management of Angkasa Pura Airports determined to improve the income which is not only quantitative, but also qualitative. "This is evident from the improvement of the company's business structure, by making the non-aeronautical revenue as an important contributor. Gradually, we are not overly dependent on income aeronautics sector, which is based on a tariff, such as airport charges," said Tommy. In 2014, the non-aeronautical revenue was 1.9 trillion IDR, up 79% from 1.1 trillion IDR in 2013. This boosted operating profit by 70%, from 693 billion IDR in 2013 to 1.1 trillion IDR in 2014.

Strengthening of non-aeronautical business also performed with the formation of five subsidiaries, namely Angkasa Pura Hotel, Angkasa Pura Property, Angkasa Pura Logistics Supports, and Angkasa Pura Retail. Until the end of 2014, operating income of subsidiaries has reached 641 billion IDR. The proportion of non-aeronautical revenues Angkasa Pura Airports has now reached 43% of total revenue, is much improved compared to 2010. "With such proportions, then Angkasa Pura I has positioned its airport on par with best practices best airports in the world. Whereas in practice, the best airports in the world have a proportion of revenues from non-aeronautical sector at least by 40%," clearly Tommy.

Improvement of customer satisfaction index
Management of Angkasa Pura Airports realize that increased revenue could not be successful without an improvement in customer satisfaction index or the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). To that end, efforts to improve CSI done seriously and planned, with a focus on accelerating the development and provision of facilities, improvement of airports operating system, reform the system and commercial management, back office infrastructure and information technology, and human resources development.

Since quarter 2/2012, the three airports of Angkasa Pura Airports, namely Juanda Airport in Surabaya, Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, and I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Bali registered following the measurement Airport Service Quality (ASQ) by the Airport Council International (ACI). The survey was conducted for CSI to complete surveys that had been conducted by the Indonesian National Air Carrier Association (INACA). Airport Sepinggan then followed registered in the quarter 3/2013. As a result, an increase in CSI significantly at these airports. In fact, the quarter 4/2014, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Bali ranks 7th world and Juanda Airport in the world's top 10 for the category of airports with 15-25 million passenger movements per year, clearly Tommy. According to the same survey, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan get the highest score in overall compared to airports in other Indonesian and ranks 16th in a class of 5-15 million passengers per year.

With every achievement by the end of 2014, then we launch new vision in 2010 to become a world-class airport management have been achieved. Now, Angkasa Pura Airports have been in the same quadrant with other leading airports in the world. [YAH]
