Angkasa Pura Airports Peringati Hari Ibu ke-84

22 Dec 2014

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Jakarta - Commemorating mother's day, Angkasa Pura Airports organized a ceremony flag (22/12). Event held at Grha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, was attended by all directors and employees of Angkasa Pura Airports.

Uniquely, in this mother's Day Memorial services throughout the ceremony, officers were women, ranging from builders of the ceremony, master of ceremonies, the platoon commander, and the officer who raised the flag to.

The 84th Mother's day commemoration ceremony is carrying the theme of "Equality of women and men in realizing sustainable development and Equitable Towards Indonesia, independent and Sovereign Personality".

"Mother's day is a Reminder of the role of women as mothers and children in the family, as well as its role in the life of society" said Polana B Pramesti, Angkasa Pura Technical Director of Airports. "Mother's day was born from the movement of the people of Indonesia. In the movement of national independence, the role of women was indeed impressive, Indonesia among others seen in the First Women's Congress, December 22, 1928 in Yogyakarta as joint determination encouraged the formation of independent Indonesia," continued Polana.

Polana stated, that women have an important role in the advancement of Angkasa Pura Airports. "It is characterized by a trust that women put in important positions held within the company, such as section head, department head, group head, to the Director," she continues. [DSS]
