Angkasa Pura Airports Organizes SOE Ministry Community Development Assistance in Purbalingga

11 May 2019

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PURBALINGGA - Angkasa Pura Airports has provided an assistance to organize the delivery of SOE Ministry’s Community Development Assistance during SOE Minister's working visit to Purbalingga on Saturday (11/5).

On this occasion, Angkasa Pura Airports also delivered social assistance funds amounting to Rp200 million (US$14,000) for three beneficiaries namely Rodlatul Muta'alimin Al'azizziyah Islamic Boarding School, TPQ Al Hidayah, and the construction of the Tunjungmuli Karangmoncol Islamic Boarding School.

Assistance for the Rodlatul Muta'alimin Al'azizziyah Islamic Boarding School is amounted to Rp100,000,000 that is symbolically handed over by Faik Fahmi, Angkasa Pura Airports President Director to the Leader of the Khoirul Asror Islamic Boarding School witnessed by SOE Minister Rini Soemarno and other SOE directors.

"In this holy month of Ramadan, the Ministry of SOE together with Angkasa Pura Airports and other SOEs always provide social assistance to the community while conducting working visit, especially to mosques and Islamic boarding schools, apart from providing assistance to other people in need. It is expected the assistance can make the worship and other religious activities of residents around the mosque who receive it runs smoothly and bring blessings during Ramadan,” Faik said.  

During her working visit to Purbalingga, Rini has two main agenda; to visit General Soedirman Airport in Wirasaba and delivering 56 types of assistance to residents’ representatives in 56 locations from 4 districts (Purbalingga, Cilacap, Kebumen, Banyumas) in which activities were held in Purbalingga.
The delivery of social assistance, that is part of CSR activity, was held in the Rodlatul Muta'alimin Al'azizziyah Islamic Boarding School. There were 15 SOEs participating in the CSR activity and distributed financial aids amounting to Rp2,664,625,000.

The value of the community development aids to each district is Rp1,000,000,000 for Purbalingga Regency, Rp546,235,000 for Cilacap Regency, Rp557,390,000 for Banyumas Regency, and Rp561,000,000 for Kebumen Regency. The aids were given to four Regents by SOE directors.

The 15 SOEs participated in the Ministry of SOE Community Development Assistance activities, are Peruri, Perum Perumnas, Djakarta Lloyd, Jamkrindo, Sarinah, Dahana, Bank Mandiri, KAI, Askrindo, Asabri, BTN, BNI, Angkasa Pura Airports, Angkasa Pura II, and BRI.

Meanwhile, during the visit to General Soedirman Airport in Purbalingga, Minister Rini Soemarno observed the progress of the development of the airport. Rini particularly visited the location of the cut and fill projects in the runway end safety area (RESA) area, as well as reviewing cash-intensive activities (PKT) at these locations.
