Angkasa Pura Airports Kantor Pusat Laksanakan Sosialisasi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) 2014-2016

30 Dec 2014

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Jakarta - 170 employees of Angkasa Pura Airports Headquarters Jakarta seemed enthusiastic to follow Collective Labour Agreement ( CLA ) socialization . The event was held at the Multipurpose Building Graha Angkasa Pura I Kemayoran , Central Jakarta begins at 10:00 WIB .

"Collective Labor Agreement is a form of development of harmonious industrial relations to realize the maximum performance of the company ," said Imron Qadari , Human Capital Group Head Angkasa Pura Airports in his speech , "Collective Labor Agreement 2014-2016 is a mutual agreement between the management and the United workers and Employees Association".

Collective Labour Agreement ( CLA ) 2014 2016 prepared in April 2014 and signed in June 2014. Purwanto , as chairman of the Negotiating Committee CLA give a presentation followed by a question and answer session . In this socialization is described on the rights and obligations of employees , procurement and recruitment , incentives , employee discipline , and much more . In the question and answer session , the employee Angkasa Pura Airports inquire about the legal process for employees , class positions for employees , and others . [ DSS ]
