Cerita di Balik Posko Crisis Center QZ8501 Juanda

02 Jan 2015

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Surabaya - Angkasa Pura Airports suddenly crowded when the AirAsia QZ8501 plane lost contact experience on Sunday (28/12/2014) ago. The red plate company quickly established a Crisis Center post. Functions Rooms at Juanda International Airport Terminal 2 was transformed in such a way to accommodate a family of passenger aircraft of Malaysian airline. President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Tommy Soetomo said AirAsia events are unusual condition. "We do have training programs Unusual Condition Exercise to face unexpected situations. So we were ready of all the possibilities" said Tommy in Crisis Center, Wednesday (31/12/2014).

AirAsia QZ8501 tragedy lost and has been found in the southern Strait Karimata as the first test of Angkasa Pura Airports. "We must move quickly, because the world would see Indonesia at the time," said Tommy. Although recognized by Tommy, the responsibility of the passenger and his family should have full responsibility airline concerned. "But this disaster, the state must be present on the fly. We Angkasa Pura Airports must provide because we are most ready infrastructure. However there should be the lead and act quickly," he said. Especially it concerns the dignity of the nation. "First the thought of us are passengers and their families. We should serve them well," said Tommy.

Furthermore, Tommy must consider the comfort of passengers family is certainly filled with anxiety. The food is prepared till the direct psychologist services. The rooms were still brand and divided as needed. Families who protest the limited number of television unit also responded quickly enough. Only a two-hour, 8 units shipped and installed a new television in the special family room. "Including the facility to live video conference with the family requested Basarnas Center, we are prepared with the cooperation of Telkom," he explained.

The third day, Tommy also prepare room for the airline office designated as a family and doctor dugout and East Java Police also volunteer psychologist. "We are prepared all need, whatever is required as long as we can provide it will be fulfilled. This is simply because we consider the interests of the family," he says. Technically, said Tommy, all the infrastructure and management of crisis situations can be encountered handling because it periodically perform simulations and exercises. "But that is difficult for us to face the family. Because in practice or simulation facing a real family was never felt. This is what makes us wary," said Tommy.

Media interest in the post that did not miss the attention of Angkasa Pura Airports. Hundreds of journalists from at home and abroad would require facilities and a power source. New wall building was also forced drilled to make hole of power cord. Journalists can enjoy the power to ease the journalistic tasks. "The press conference is simple although we also prepared, such as the consumption of a meal, coffee or instant noodle we provide," he said. Angkasa Pura Airports is to be prepared, including the current budget crisis situations such as AirAsia's current incident. "The budget we have allocated, but there are some future should we ask for change to the airline concerned," he said.

Right on New Year's Eve 2015, the crisis center post that managed by Angkasa Pura I was already full as already found aircraft debris and several bodies of passengers. Post was brought to police headquarters Bhayangkara Hospital in East Java is used as the identification center. "Post has been moved to the hospital Bhayangkara," he said. With the end of the post in its territory, Tommy thanked the members of the media who helped inform the search process until the discovery of AirAsia in the sea. However, Tommy could not hide the secret that had made him upset. Tommy with a crew Angkasa Pura Airports and Basarnas Surabaya was filled with anxiety. Peak on Tuesday (30/12/2014) afternoon or when Basarnas center officially announced the discovery of AirAsia in Pangkalan Bun waters. "We've actually been told that the discovery of approximately 45 minutes before the announcement of the discovery of QZ8501 aircraft," said Tommy.

Coordination meeting was suddenly held in the back of the Crisis Center room. All parties agreed should be prepared for a variety of family reactions that would occur if the passengers witnessed the official announcement via private television live broadcast. "We've been predicting the family's reaction. Hysterical and shock, those we have to face. We never had to face a lot of families like that," he said.

Secretly, Tommy ordered his men to deploy 10 ambulance vehicles and their health care team. "But the ambulance that we hide its place, if we are in the front row, can guess for you what the reaction of the family. We are trying to understand the emotions family," said Tommy. [YAH / Source: detik.com]
