Penumpang di Bandara Adisutjipto Dihibur Musik

02 Aug 2014

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YOGYAKARTA – A different atmosphere was presented by Angkasa Pura Airports Adisutjipto International Airport Branch this year. Collaborating with Yogyakarta artists, for the first time, The 2014 Lebaran Monitoring Post at the airport presented arts and entertainment for the passengers’ pleasure.

We routinely set up monitoring post every Lebaran and Christmas to serve and anticipate increase of passenger traffic during those times. But different with previous years, this time we asked a number of artists to join us entertaining the passengers with their special performances,” said General Affair and Communication Section Head of Adisutjipto International Airport, Faizal Indra Kusuma to Kedaulatan Rakyat papers, Friday (1/8).

Faizal explained that this live entertainment presented by Yogyakarta’s artists would surely give a special impression for the mudik (hometown travel) travelers and tourists who went through Adisutjipto Airport. A Yogyakarta atmosphere with its art and culture is an element that they were trying to present to the passengers to remember when they travel to this city of tourism, education and art.

“This is our innovation in giving entertainment for passengers of Lebaran’s mudik and its backflow. We presented the entertainments as specific hours with the highest traffic of passengers, which were every morning and afternoon, to give a better impression,” he added.

Being confirmed on the number of passengers on this D+3 of mudik backflow season, Faisal predicted 10 thousand people would leave Yogya through departure terminal of Adisutjipto Airport. The increase of passengers has been happening since D+2 where number of passengers rose from 7,000 people to 9,750 people with 64 flights from departure terminal. Meanwhile, at the arrival terminal, the number of passengers declined from around 10 thousand people to 9,430 people with 61 passengers.

“The number of passengers who arrived is considered high because it’s already a high season,
And the backflow continue to increase significantly, especially on the upcoming D+4 and D+5,” Faizal explained.

One of the passengers from Jakarta who just arrived at Adisutjipto Airport, Tri Anggonno said he was really entertained with the music welcoming his arrival at the domestic gate. He had never had this kind of entertainment during his mudik travels to Yogyakarta before.

“After a long and boring journey on the plane, this welcoming entertainment makes me feel like a special guest. This is what Yogya is supposed to highlight, for its rich variety of art, tradition and culture,” he said. (Pardika Dewi RS/Source: Kedaulatan Rakyat)
