Yogyakarta Academics In The Process Of The New Yogyakarta Airport Master Plan

06 Oct 2016

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YOGYAKARTA (06/10) - Angkasa Pura Airports seeks to engage stakeholders in Yogyakarta culture in the process of the master planmaking, architecture, and design of the New International Airport in Yogyakarta Kulon Progo by holding a discussion forum entitled "Angkringan, The New Yogyakarta Airports" on Thursday (6/10) in Joglo Pelem Golek, Yogyakarta. This is an attempt Angkasa Pura Airports to conduct inclusive development by involving the various elements of the community and make the essence of cultural development in Yogyakarta as a reference to the construction of the New International Airport in Yogyakarta.

"Yogyakarta has historical and cultural value of diverse and deep so that the essence of these values ​​needs to be understood so that it can be implemented and adapted to the development of public life, including in terms of infrastructure development. We need to understand more deeply the essence and cultural development Yogyakarta and surrounding communities to serve as a reference in the framework of the preparation of the master plan, architecture, and design of the New International Airport of Yogyakarta, "said Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito.

As for the speakers invited to the discussion forum is derived from cultural circles, art workers, anthropologist and historian of the original and stay in Yogyakarta. The speakers are Juki (Kill the DJ) and Djaduk Ferianto among workers of art; Socio-cultural Anthropologist Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa and activists Consumer Society and Inter-Religious Studies Prof. Irwan Abdullah Ph.D. from the anthropologist, historian Prof. Suhartono, Eko Prawoto of the architecture, and airportsexpert Edie Haryato. The discussion was moderated by Butet Kertaradjasa.

At the moment this discussion discussed various matters related to culture ranging from the historical development of the airport in Yogyakarta that was transformed from a training center TNI into a commercial airport, accessibility and mode of transportation in Yogyakarta from time to time, artistic expression residents of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas in public spaces, including at airports , airport design that takes into account local knowledge, to the construction of the airport technical matters and its various facilities.

"Building the airport is not just building air transportation, but also part of the effort to build a new civilization. Kulon Progo will be the center of economic growth in the region around the airport. We will realize the concept of regional development that has never existed in Indonesia, namely aero city that adopt and respect for local knowledge. Therefore, we ask for input and support from all elements of society in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas in order to realize the development of the city airport which brings benefits to people's lives in Yogyakarta in general and Kulon Progo in particular, "added Wimbo. [DSS]
