Triwulan III, Bandara Ahmad Yani Raih Laba Rp 10 Miliar

27 Oct 2014

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Semarang - Until the third quarter of 2014, Angkasa Pura Airports Branch Ahmad Yani International Airport is able to profit as much as 10 billion IDR. This advantage is increased compared to the year 2013 which reached 7 billion IDR. "Throughout this year, the targeted profit is 12 billion IDR. We are optimistic to achieve economic growth due to the continued positive Semarang residents," said General Manager Ahmad Yani Airport, Priyo Jatmiko, yesterday. 

According to him, the biggest revenue derived from rates Passenger Aircraft Services (PJP2U). In addition, optimization of business done both of billboards, parking arrangement, tenants, and work efficiency. "The numbers of departing passengers are on average 4,250 people per day. But sometimes it may be 4,500 or 4,000 people. Three years ago, the number of passengers departing only 2,250 to 2,500 per day," he said. [Diani Sekaring Sejati / Source: Suaramerdeka.com]
