Tingkatkan Keselamatan Penerbangan, Bandara Sam Ratulangi Manado Laksanakan Rapat Koordinasi Runway Safety Team 2015

24 Mar 2015

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MANADO -  In an effort to increase the safety of flight operations and the implementation of Safety Management System (SMS), Sam Ratulangi Airport carried Runway Safety Team Coordination Meeting 2015, Friday (20/03).

The coordination meeting held in Meeting Room TOAR on Friday, March 20th, 2015 at 14:00 WITA. Present in the coordination meeting all officers and members of the Runway Safety Team Sam Ratulangi Airport, including General Manager, Pipin Yusuf Arifin.

"The purpose of Runway Safety Program in 2015 is to improve the planning, inspection and evaluation of actions to safety of flight operations at the airport. In addition, to get a prevention solutions, Runway Incursion Excursion and Confusion comprehensively and optimally in accordance with the standards and rules that apply," said Pipin.

At the end of the event, Pipin appealed to all members of the board of Runway Safety Team to continue to improve coordination and cooperation in order to maintain the safety of flight operations at the airport Sam Ratulangi sake of better services. [Bayu Haditriyanto / SHE MDC]

• Runway incursion: The presence of aircraft, vehicles, and people who should not be in the area take off and landing aircraft
• Runway Excursion: air plane crash while taking off and landing where for some reason the aircraft out of the runway (slipping)
• Runway Confusion: Confusion on the runway because the sign / marker that is not appropriate
