Talkshow "Perempuan-Perempuan Inspiratif Indonesia" Bersama Menteri Sosial RI

30 Apr 2015

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JAKARTA - In commemoration of Kartini Day in April, all employee Angkasa Pura Airports hosted the talk show "Indonesian Inspiring Women" on Thursday (30/4). The event was held at the Multipurpose Building Graha Angkasa Pura Airports were packed with all employees-worker and invited guests from several agencies in the environment around the office Angkasa Pura Airports.

"Our expectation of this event is to provide additional insight to the Indonesian women, especially in Angkasa Pura Airports and the surrounding environment in order to be better able to perform its role in the family as well as optimizing the potential of themselves and be professional in the work environment through sharing experiences, tips and tricks of the figures inspiring in Indonesia," said Suliastiani Chief Organizer.

The event, which lasted for half a day was attended by Polana B. Pramesti, Technical Director of Angkasa Pura Airports. As the only female in the ranks of Directors Board of Directors, Polana also present to Angkasa Pura Airports inspire employee who did their duty, both as a wife, mother, and as a worker. "The women have a central role in the family in creating the nation's next golden generation. Many of the role that must be followed women in his life, for it to be a woman should set the best possible time between activities outside the home and family, make good family management so that the pattern of grindstones , foster children and their families and compassion remain qualified," said Polana.

Shanaz Haque act as moderator for two (2) sources which President Institutions of Nations Ambassador, Mien R Uno and Ministry of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. On the occasion, Khofifah divide inspiration for women to be economically independent to tackle prostitution. "There should be an exit strategy how it can be given a solution that could be more economically independent. I want to Nunukan, there is no protection of our house. I convey to the problems of migrant workers who return my phone number and I have to say that they are prioritized got Productive Economic Business," Khofifah clears.

Talkshow "Women Inspiring Indonesia" also enlivened by a bazaar of various products and some communities, such as the Women's Community Quat and KRL Mania. "Events like this are very inspiring. Going forward, I hope this inspiring event can be held back by the great speakers of other Indonesian women," said Khofifah. [YAH]
