Sultan Segera Temui Investor Bandara di India

15 Aug 2014

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YOGYAKARTA - Megaproject of International Airport Kulonprogo construction continues. Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X will travel to Mumbai, India to meet airport development investors, GVK, early September 2014 "Yes I want to stop by to see the design of GVK airports. Since Angkasa Pura I joint venture with GVK," said Sri Sultan found after submission Satyalancana Karya Satya in Kepatihan, Thursday (14/8).

Sultan group departure to India's GVK submitted in accordance invitation several months ago. The delegation of investors had previously come to the HB X ‘s office once on May 26, 2014 They invited the Sultan to show examples of airports projects that have been done by GVK i.e. Mumbai International Airport, Chatrapati Shivaji. GVK is a giant infrastructure company of India who has built a number of airports. In addition to the international airports of Mumbai, GVK also built Bengaluru International Airport and is also involved in the operation of the air traffic at the airport of Bali. 

Kulonprogo Regent Hasto Wardoyo also plans to join the Sultan's entourage to India. Hasto will depart on September 9, 2014 "that's GVK has a lot of work, so we want to see their works there. Later will choose which is be adjusted to the airport Kulonprogo. For a reference," said the gynecologist. 

Meanwhile, Governor Group explore cooperation with GVK, the approach process to Kulonprogo community also continue to run. Accelerated Airport Development Team with Angkasa Pura Airports and academics UGM are completing the preparation of dissemination materials. It is estimated, the socialization process will start in the near future. Stages that will last for three months to solicit citizen input. Rejection and approval of development can be delivered in this stage. 

Nevertheless, the amount of compensation can not be presented in a fixed period of socialization. In accordance with Law No. 2 of 2012 on land acquisition for the construction of public interest are described, citizen input during the promotion phase will be considered the issuance of Land Use Permit (IPL) of the Governor of Yogyakarta. After the IPL is published, then an independent appraisal team will work to assess the amount of damages each affected residents. The law mandates the alternative compensation in the form of money, land replacement, relocation, stock ownership or other form agreed by both parties. 

"Clearly, the local government still seeks to accommodate the interests of citizens. One of them is the identification of the lands of village cash that can be used for the relocation of homes and acres of farmland," said Hasto. There are about 30 acres of land that has been identified village treasury Kulonprogo Regency. The land could be possible to relocate about 600 affected residents, if they approve it. It includes relocation of residential and agricultural land. In addition, the local government also identifies land of Pakualam Ground (PAG) that spans dozens of acres in the earth Menoreh for similar reasons. [Pardika Dewi R.S./Tribun Jogja]
