Simulasi Kebakaran, Ratusan Karyawan Angkasa Pura Airports Berhamburan

11 Dec 2015

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Jakarta - Hundreds of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) employees rushed out to save themselves, they thought they had a fire. "It's just a fire simulation." said Section Head of Operation Fire, Central Jakarta City Government, Muchtar Zakaria in building Graha Angkasa Pura I, Friday (11/12).

Muchtar explained, simulating a fire in an office building is a very important activity and routine to do. "Simulation is important to note the building management, especially of Work Safety Unit, including building Graha Angkasa Pura I," he said.

According to the Muchtar, in a simulated fire fighting building this time, fire department Central Jakarta City Government was working with the unit Safety Health & Environment Angkasa Pura Airports, Muchtar give an example of how to deal with fires, evacuation of casualties were still inside the building, and give understanding to all visitors and security guards of the building so do not panic if there is a fire, then if there is smoke, they should use the access way out using the emergency stairs, because the automatic flow of electricity in the building was going to die, and not allowed to get off the elevator.

Further Muchtar, in order to face the fires in the building, then all parties must work together, security officers, safety unit and all employees working, those three components must work together. "The exercise simulated extinguishing this building is a joint exercise between the Fire Department Central Jakarta in collaboration with the unit Safety Health & Environment Angkasa Pura Airports, a simulation exercise is indeed already we agendakan for 3 (three) building medium is in the area of Central Jakarta, including the building Grha Space Pura I, we muster six (6) units dept, including car crane ladder with a high range of 33 meters, to evacuate victims still trapped inside the building, through the access outside the building, because in this simulation is not possible evacuation through the area in building, because it was filled with fire and smoke, and we also muster one (1) unit of the PMI ambulance to help victims of Central Jakarta." Muchtar said on the evaluation of simulation activities.

Meanwhile, according to Dedi Ruhiyat, Safety Health and Environment Department Head Angkasa Pura Airports, the overall evaluation for building fire simulation activities this time is quite nice. "All the officers in a state of alert, and nimble so knowing there was a puff of smoke, and immediately directed all employees were still inside the building to come out and gathered at the point of muster points as a point of safe evacuation, and for employees are also cooperative following the direction of the officer." Said Smith.

"I also have a check, for the safety of fire extinguishers in the building Graha Angkasa Pura I everything is complete and in good condition, which is very important for early anticipation if at any time there is a fire, and the initial action before the firefighters came to the scene," Add Muchtar.

Dedi Ruhiyat said fire simulation regularly held once a year. "The goal is to provide insight to all employees how to deal with a fire if it occurs. We also appealed to all security personnel to take care of the building and checked on a regular basis, an emergency extinguishers functioning or not." Dedi said. [CM]
