Seribu Pelari Ramaikan Lomba Lari di Area Bandara Adi Soemarmo

21 Dec 2015

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BOYOLALI - About a thousand runners participated enliven the race titled "Airport Running Series 2015-2016: Sensational Run!" which took place in the area of Adi Soemarmo, Boyolali, Sunday (20/12) morning. Race in the airport area for the first time held in Indonesia was opened by the President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito who was accompanied among others by the Adisumarmo Air Force Commander Agus Priyanto, Korem 074 / Warastratama Arh Toto Nugroho, as well as Commander Group 2 Special Forces Kandang Menjangan Col. Inf. Rafael Granada.

The event starts at 06.00 WIB besides followed runners in the country and local communities also participated runners from foreign countries, such as Kenya, France, USA, Malaysia, to East Timor. "The event aims to enliven the celebration of the 52nd anniversary of  Angkasa Pura Airports in February 2016 also to find the seeds of new athletes in the running sport. It is also to promote the development of tourism in eastern Indonesia," said Wimbo.

This race held in three categories, namely 2.5 kilometers running for the family segment, 5 kilometers running for the public segment, and 10 kilometers running to the segment of the general public and professional athletes. "So that all people can follow this race,"added Wimbo.

Prize of the winner are cash 20 million IDR for the 10 kilometer category as well as cash 10 million IDR (category 5 kilometers). For the category of 2.5 kilometer provided 3.5 million IDR cash prize for the runner with the most unique costume.

The result, in the category of men's 10 kilometer runners from Kenya, John Lorono Lorira, emerged as the fastest. In the second and third position is also controlled by Kenyan runners, namely Paul Kemani and Samson. In the women category of 10 kilometers, the champion is Valentine Jepkemoi of Kenya, followed by Erni Ulatningsih (Semarang) and Caroline Jepkosgei (Kenya).

In the men's category 5 kilometers, emerged as the winner was Abdul Haris (Bima), followed by Khamid Soiman (Wonosobo), and Tribius Dominggus (Kupang). In the group women of five kilometers, Anjasari Goddess of Sukabumi penetrate the finish first. He was in front of Raquel Pireire (East Timor) and 12-year-old girl from Salatiga, Rieke Febrianti.

For the category of 2.5 kilometers, the winner of the most unique costumes (unique dress) is Sri Darwati, who ran wearing kebaya typical Central Java. For costume nuanced airport (airport dress) won by Darius Regan (7 years old), who ran the pilot costume complete with aircraft.

In addition to race, the people who did not race following the zumba and aerobics exercises together. Also presented entertainment featuring local artists Surakarta. Various fun games and prizes as well as bazaar "Airport Taste Festival" from Hello Market Organic Community Solo and Solo also enliven the event.

"For the runners who have not been lucky in the event Airport Running Series at Adi Soemarmo today, do not be disappointed. Because of events like this will be held at the airport Selapang Mataram on January 24, 2016, Airport El Tari Kupang February 13, 2016, and in Manado next March 19 2016," said Corporate Secretary Angkasa Pura Airports Farid Indra Nugraha. [Zarra Isyana]
