Penyelundupan Ekstasi Rp 3,4 M di Bandara Ahmad Yani Digagalkan

04 Apr 2014

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Semarang - The smuggling of 11.480 pills ecstasy worth Rp 3,4 billions from someone with the initial OAI (38) in the international arrivals terminal of Ahmad Yani Airport, Semarang, Central Java was defeated by the officer of Surveillance and Service for Custom and Excise (KPPBC) type Middle Custom of Tanjuang Emas Semarang on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at 09.00 WIB. Parjiya, the Chief of Territory Office for Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Jateng-DIY, vonveys that the demolition of smuggling was started from an analysis of intelligent agency Customs Narcotics Team (CNT) KPPBC Middle Type of Tanjung Emas Customs. The team suspects a man who arrived from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia used  Air Asia AK328.

“The man was checked his luggage of a big cardboard,” said Parjiya while having a hear case in the Office of Customs and Excise, Semarang on Thursday (3/4/2014). When such big cardboard belong to OIA was opened, it contained small boxes of spotlights. Further examining, those lamps were used to hide 11.480 pills ecstacy. “Finally, we were tested  the findings in the Goods Indentification Testing Type A Jakarta. In fact, the result was that the goods were identified as ecstacy or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine,” Parjiya said.

The handling case is given to the Directorate of Narcotics of Central Java Police. “We gives to Central Java Police to be developed up to the drugs’ controller or supplier”, said Parjiya. Besides, while checking the passport, OAI worked as security in a cafe in Jakarta. He had been enter and out of Indonesia several times. Based on tracking result, he lastly went to Malaysia a week ago. In Malaysia, he was funded by someone, including hotel fees to stay for two days.

“The travelling route of OIA is only Kuala Lumpur-Indonesia. In Kuala Lumpur, he stayed in the hotel for two days, funded by someone, including the airplane ticket,” said the Chief of P2 Section, Tatut Basuki. While in Kuala Lumpur, OAI got the 3,4 kilos narcotics from someone, which was hidden in the spotlights. The suspects receives fee of 2000 Ringgit Malaysia from that people.
“Until today, the suspect is still be inspected wheter he is an old networks who had been cought or not,” Tutut conveys. In this hear case, the evident was presented of thousands of ecstacy pills that was covered in the transparent plastics.  The spotlights used to smugg the ecstacy was also displayed. The suspect is presented by covering his head, wearing blue shirt, white t-shirt and hundcuffed hands. The suspect was charged under the article 113 section (2) of the Law Number 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics with the punishment of death pinalty, life imprisonment, or jail minimum 5 years and maximum 20 years, and a fine. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Liputan6.com]
