Pendapatan Non-Aero Angkasa Pura Airports Naik Enam Kali Lipat

10 Dec 2014

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Jakarta – Non aeronautika sector revenue (non-aero) Angkasa Pura Airports increased by approximately sixfold in 2014 rather than 2009. It reflected on the realization of the income of non-aero Angkasa Pura Airports on the quarter III-2014 of 690 billion IDR compared to the same period of 2009 was 119 billion IDR.

"Angkasa Pura Airports already do business transformation by increasing the non-aero business. This is evident from the increase in corporate earnings," said Marketing and Business Development Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Robert D Waloni over the STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISE (SOEs) Marketers in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/12). According to Robert, the airport business is very fragile when it relies solely on revenues from aeronautical businesses.

To that end, the company must have a non-aeronautical business could add value. "This sector is now becoming a strength indicator of the airport management business structure," he said. Robert explains by the quarter III-2014 revenues of non-aero contributes about 40% of the company's revenue. The income of the non-aero AP I obtained from business subsidiary as Angkasa Pura Logistic, Angkasa Pura Property, Angkasa Pura Retail, and Angkasa Pura Hotel. The non-aero income targeted could reach 45% by 2015 in line with its business growth is a fairly rapidly.

"The company is targeting the non-aero sector could reach 60% of our revenues by 2020. In fact, we believe in 2017 can already achieved that target. We continue to empower business subsidiary to attempt a non-aero business continues to grow," he said. Robert reveals, the largest influx of non-aero, among others from the duty free and the food at the international terminal. The non-aero business management, continued he, it is also more difficult than Aeronautics (aero) because it requires a clear business plan.

"If the aero revenue such as passenger service charge (PSC) set up by Government. Automatically, we got an infusion. Meanwhile for the non-aero business we have to sell services or goods interestingly," he said. Currently, Angkasa Pura Airports prepare Ngurah Rai (Bali), Sepinggan (Balikpapan), and Juanda (Surabaya) to a non-aero business development, because the three airports has great potential. The next phase, Angkasa Pura Airports will manage the same business at the airport of Banjarmasin, Makassar, and Semarang.

In addition, the company is looking at an airport operator in the world with revenues of non-aero with a large percentage. According to him, the airport operator can be said to be successful if it is able to develop the business. For example, the operator of Incheon Airport (South Korea) get non-aero earn income by 60% and operator Haneda by 65% of the overall company revenue. "They can press charges at the airport. This might be something new in Indonesia for business development non-aero," he explained. [DSS/source: Investors Daily]
