Pemkab Kulon Progo Siapkan Lahan Relokasi Warga Terdampak Bandara

08 Oct 2014

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Kulon Progo - Government District (Regency) Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta (DIY), setting up of 22 hectares of land for the relocation of residents affected by airport development plan. Regional Secretary Kulon Progo, Astungkoro, in Kulon Progo, Tuesday (7/10), says, the land of 22 hectares of land uses the village treasury in the Palihan, Glagah, and Sindutan village. "In this week, we together Angkasa Pura I and DIY local government will discuss matters related to the relocation," said Astungkoro. 

He said, Kulon Progo Regent has also held a meeting with the Puro Pakualam (PA) related to the use of land owned by the applicant Puro Pakualaman for alternative relocation. "In the meantime, we prioritize the village treasury land for the relocation. Because the outcome of the meeting between the regents and Puro Pakualam has not make detail of the results yet," he said. Furthermore, Astungkoro said, is still in the early stages of data collection, including data collection tombs, mosques, infrastructure, schools. Application for exemption of use village treasury land is still going. Therefore, there is a place of worship belonging to the mosque takmir and use village treasury land. 

"The data collection schedule since socialization until October 27," said Astungkoro. Related to verify the results of the data collection plan, Astungkoro, said verification will is implemented in conjunction with public consultation. However, these data should be backed up. "These data should be fitted, so that there is no injured party," he said. The plan, advanced Astungkoro, public consultation will be using a regular meeting mechanism such as socialization, i.e, per village.

"All affected residents will be invited to a public consultation," he said. Assistant Regional Secretariat for Economy and Development Kulon Progo, Triyono, said airport development preparatory team had socialized. Therefore, socialization is one of the stages corresponding Act and Presidential Decree. "We can conclude that all goes smoothly. Though there are little things are part of the dynamics. It is used as a tool of control and control," said Triyono. He hoped that all people can understand, understand, reflect, and think that the airport was built for them and the welfare of society at large. "The airport is a state program, the government, and programs that are of public interest," said Triyono. [Yuristo AH / Source:Antara]
