Bandara Hasanuddin Dipasang Alat Deteksi Ebola

03 Oct 2014

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MAKASSAR - Directorate General (Dirjen) of Disease Control and Environmental Health (PPPL) Ministry of Health, will install thermo scanner at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar. This tool is to detect the body heat, it began to be used in the process of repatriation of Makassar Embarkation Hajj pilgrims on October 10. As explained by the officer of Directorate General (Dirjen) of Disease Control and Environmental Health (PPPL) Ministry of Health , Agus Purwadianto, when reviewing Hajj Dormitory at Sudiang Makassar, 28 September ago.

"With this tool, we can know if there are hajj pilgrims affected by mers or ebola virus. During the Hajj, Indonesia pilgrims are mingling with pilgrims from other countries, so it’s not closing possibility that they have contracted the virus." Agus said. According to him, although the Indonesian pilgrims have given the meningitis vaccine to prevent contracting mers or ebola virus, but it is not enough to ensure the pilgrims will be protected from the virus. According to Agus, the virus could have been attached to the skin or clothes of people after contact or converse directly with the pilgrims of other countries who contracted the virus. Similar tools, he said, will also be installed at all airports in Indonesia, which became the location of departure and return of pilgrims.

Appreciation of Sulawesi Ministry of Religious 

Ministry of Religious of South Sulawesi really appreciate the preventive step undertaken by the Indonesian Ministry of Health Director General PPPL by installing thermo scanner tool at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. "We pray that no Indonesia pilgrims, particularly worshipers of Makassar Embarkation infected mers or ebola virus. We are grateful for this tool that we are absolutely sure about It." said Head of Public Relations Ministry of Religious of South Sulawesi, Ahmad Hussein. (Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Tribun)
