Pembebasan Lahan Bandara Kulon Progo Dimulai

03 Sep 2014

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YOGYAKARTA - Team in preparation for the construction of an international airport will soon conduct Kulonprogro socialization stages airport development concept 'airport city to the affected residents on 12 September 2014 following public consultation stages of socialization is expected to run smoothly in a span of three months, so that the Permit Determination of Location (IPL) DIY Governor published as a requirement of land acquisition stage.

"We've held a coordination meeting between the district / city and the initiator of the development of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), the result will be entering the stage of dissemination and public consultation on 12 September 2014 or later next week. If there are no objections, later Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X issued IPL Governor of Yogyakarta, "said Head of the Regional Office (Regional Office) of the National Land Agency (BPN) DIY, Arie Yuriwin to KR, Tuesday (2/9).

Arie said it will only work after the IPL DIY Governor down to make land acquisition capacity development of the international airport, 10 million passengers per year is. The team will work the implementation including such airport land acquisition assessment teams also land price (appraisal) of BPN for land acquisition that have been defined in the Yogyakarta Governor IPL.

"After the IPL DIY Governor exits it will be submitted to BPN DIY that will form the Task Force A (measurement) and Task Force B (juridical) for inventory plot locations for the airport within time for 30 days," he said. Arie added if the airport land inventory stage is completed, it will create a nominative list of anyone who would be compensated through the announcement for 14 days.

New nominative list submitted to the appraiser to perform the appraisal value through consultation with affected communities, which takes up to one month. This land acquisition team will work at least nearly a year if there is no obstacle because the key lies in the development of the airport land acquisition. [Pardika Dewi RS / Source: Kedaulatan Rakyat]
