Pemanfaatan Tanah BUMN Dioptimalkan

11 Apr 2014

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JAKARTA - The synergy of Ministry of Housing and Angkasa Pura Airports has optimilize the construction of low-cost rental apartements (rusunawa) for airport’s workers through the land utilization of SOE. The Deputy of Formal Housing Sector of Housing Ministry, Pangihutan Marpaung, said the synergy done as the follow up of mutual agreement and was a government and SOE efforts to meet the needs of habitable housingby Rusunawa.

“Therefore, special for SOE non-housing, it was the first time we cooperated. Formerly, we had made cooperation with State Housing (Perumnas), but Perumnas SOE housing. In the next future, we will not only cooperate with on rusunawa, but also a low-cost subsudized apartments (rusunami),” said Pangihutan Marpaung recently.

The land utilization of Angkasa Pura Airports is spreaded in five branch offices of airport managed by Angkasa Pura Airports, they are Juanda Airport (Sidoarjo),  Sepinggan Airport (Balikpapan), Sultan Hasanuddin Airport (Maros), Ngurah Rai Airport (Badung), and Lombok International Airport (Central Lombok). [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Koran Jakarta]
