Menteri BUMN Ubah Susunan Dewan Komisaris Angkasa Pura I

11 Apr 2014

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JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Entreprises (SOE), as the shareholder of limited company, alter the composition of Board of Commissioners PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). This alteration was published in the Office of SOE Ministry Jakarta, Monday (07/4).

The change of this Commissioner Board composition was based on the SOE Minister Decree Number: SK-75/MBU/2014 dated April 7th, 2014 on Termination and Appointment of Commissioner Board Member of Company (Persero) PT Angkasa Pura I. In the Decree, the SOE Minister appointed Dwi Ary Purnomo, Boy Syahril Qamar, and Anandiwati. They replace the position of Askolani, B. Didik Prasetyo, and Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi

Therefore, the new composition of Commissioner Board of Angkasa Pura I is as follows:
1. Suratto Siswodihardjo as the Main Commissioner;
2. Hakamuddin Djamal as the Member of Commissioner Board;
3. Tundjung Inderawan as the Member of Commissioner Board;
4. Boy Syahril Qamar as the Member of Commissioner Board;
5. Anandiwati as the Member of Commissioner Board;
6. Dwi Ary Purnomo as the Member of Commissioner Board.

Dwi Ary Purnomo was recorded as the Member of Commissioner Board PTPN IX, while Boy Syahril Qamar was recorded as  the Chief of the General Staff of TNI. While Anandiwati was recorded as Secretary of Directorate General Budgeting Finance Ministry. [Pardika Dewi Retno S]
