Angkasa Pura Airports Siapkan Amdal

09 Apr 2014

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JOGJA -  The continuation of big project international airport construction in Temon, Kulonprogo only wait for MoU between PT Jogja Magasa Iron with the Directorate General Air Transportation. While Angkasa Pura Airports will soon prepare the document of Environmental Impact Assessment (Amdal). “Without waiting MoU, Angkasa Pura remains running to make Amdal letter because IPL (Land Utilization Lisence) just issued after the Amdal meet the requirements,” said Governoor DIY, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X after receiving invitation letter of General Election 2014 in his house Kraton Kilen, Monday (7/4).

Governoor admits that he had met the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Tommy Soetomo in Jakarta, 4 April ago. This meeting was scheduled after a meeting with PT JMI results re-calculation that the airport location did not need to step back to the west breaching Bongowoto River to meet the 3.600 meter runway. “Principally, no more probles, however, I think it needed MoU, in which the authority is Directorate of Navigation, Directorate General of Air Transportation of Transportation Ministry,” he said.

Therefore, in this case, according to Sultan, it shall not Angkasa Pura Airpirts and PT JMI that have mutual agreement to be signed, but PT JMI and Directorate of Navigation. The MoU Draft had submitted by PT JMI, and not the Government of Kulonprogo District, as demanded before making MoU material. He hoped, there will be agreement soon between PT JMI and Directorate of Navigation. [Diani Sekaring Sejati/Source: Harian Jogja]
