Majalah Angkasa Pura Raih Bronze Winner InMA 2015

08 Feb 2015

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BATAM - Magazine Angkasa Pura - internal media Angkasa Pura Airports - was awarded the Bronze Winner in the arena of the Indonesian 4th In-house Magazine Award (InMA) in 2015 organized by the United Company Press (SPS). Awards ceremony held in the series of National Press Day (HPN) in 2015 was held in Batam, Riau Islands, on Saturday night (7/2).

InMA 2015 event is participated by 228 entries from 70 corporations / organizations. Angkasa Pura magazine managed to become one of the eight who entered as a magazine cover The Best of State-Owned In-house Magazine through the cover  edition of July-August 2014. Cover Edition 'Four Year Journey Transformation' display the new terminal photo of Balikpapan Sepinggan International Airport. The InMA 2015 award winners given by Toriq Hadad, the SPS committee and director of Tempo magazine to the Corporate Communication Department Head Angkasa Pura Airports well as the magazine's editor Angkasa Pura Handy Heryudhitiawan.

This event was attended by Chairman of the Press Council Bagir Manan and some of print media leaders from all over Indonesia. Also present were former CEO of Jawa Pos Group and former SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan RI, who was re-elected Chairman of the SPS period 2015-2019 in the XXIV Congress of the SPS, which was held prior to the awarding ceremony this evening.

In his speech, Dahlan Iskan optimistic that print media will continue to live in spite of electronic media, online media, as well as social media continues to grow. "This is to nourish the press in Indonesia. The presumption press too freely without controls will be studied together, so that the control does not come from the outside, but inside the press itself in the course of ratification of the press company," said Dahlan.

In the same category, which is included in The Best of State-Owned 2015 In-house Magazine InMA is Wika Magz published by PT Wijaya Karya, Duta Rimba (Ambassador Woods) (Perhutani), Sinergi 46 (BNI), Rel (KAI), PTPN X Magz (PTPN X) , A-Magazine (Angkasa Pura II), and JR News. In 2014 InMA performances last year, the magazine Angkasa Pura managed to be the best with Gold Winner won through cover edition from June to August 2013, with the title "National Leaders of Eastern Indonesia". Participants InMA 2014 totaled 201 entries from 55 corporations / organizations.

In addition to InMA, SPS also awarded the 6th Indonesia Print Media Awards (IPMA), The 2nd Indonesia Young Readers Awards (IYRA), and The 4th Indonesia Student Print Media Awards (ISPRIMA). The jury are involved to choose the best in the event InMA 2015 include Janoe Arijanto (CEO of Dentsu Strat), Ndang Sutisna (Executive Creative Director First Position), Dr. M. Gunawan Alif (Head of Management Studies Sampoerna School of Business), Dian Anggraeni Umar (Public Relations Practitioner), and Agus Susanto (Reporter Photo Compass). [Arif Haryanto]
