Bandara Juanda Raih Predikat Excellent dalam ESEA 2015

10 Feb 2015

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JAKARTA - Earlier this year Juanda International Airport, Surabaya reach again an achievement to be proud of. Award of Excellent Service Experience Award (ESEAward 2015) obtained by Airport which is under the management of Angkasa Pura Airports. Juanda Airport successfully obtained an award organized by the Service Excellence & Care Center for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Carre CCSL) with a value of "Excellent". The awarding of Excellent Service Experience Award (ESEAward) 2015 was held in Ballroom I Mulia Hotel, Jakarta on Tuesday (10/02).

Excellent Service Experience Award (ESEAward) 2015, organized by the Care Center for Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Carre CCSL) This award is given to companies that prioritize services as one of the major factors in running the business.

Juanda Airport achieved a score of 81.336, equivalent to the level of "Excellent" at the time of assessment. Audit of Service Experience done by visiting each service center and directly feel the service provided. Monitoring was conducted in Jakarta and Surabaya in October - December 2014, involving 100 companies services and 1000 visits. There are three aspects that measured the time of assessment, namely Customer Sense Experience, Customer Emotion / Mood Experience and Customer Problem Solution Experience.

"The success of Juanda Airport won this award is a testament of the hard work in terms of improving service to users airport services provided by the Management, Employees, Partners, Business Partners Juanda Airport," said General Manager Juanda International Airport Angkasa Pura Airports, Trikora Harjo.

This is the third time the Juanda airport received an award from the research institute Carre-Center for Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty (Carre-CCSL). The Award "Excellent Service Experience Award (ESEAward)" earlier has been received by the Juanda Airport in June of 2014.
